February 2020

"Sharing God's love by serving our community and our world."

Our theme for this year is “Joyful.” Often when we think of Lent, we think of self-sacrifice and discipline - not JOY. This year we will be walking through the book of Philippians as Paul teaches us how to have joy even in the midst of difficulty. Joy doesn't rely on external circumstances, it comes from faith in Jesus Christ.
Join us Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and at home groups to delve deeper into what real JOY is and how we can have it in our lives.
Lenten Mid-Week Worship
5:30 PM
6:30 PM
March 5
Lenten Supper
Loaded Bake Potato Soup and Chicken Noodle Soup
Petersons, Boettners & TBD
Ash Wednesday Worship
March 12
Lenten Supper
Ham, Scalloped Potatoes,
and Bean
Tharaldsons and friends
Lenten Worship
JoyFULL Prayer
Philippians 1:1-11
March 19
Lenten Supper
Chicken Pot Pie with Biscuits
Hahns and Carlins
Lenten Worship
JoyFULL Witness
Philippians 1:12-26
March 26
Lenten Supper
Baked Potato Bar
Lotitos & Sagstetter
Lenten Worship
JoyFULL Humility
Philippians 1:27-2:18
April 2
Lenten Supper
Pulled pork sandwiches, coleslaw, mac & cheese
Walz and Seal Families
Lenten Worship
JoyFULL Hospitality
Philippians 2:19-30
April 9
Lenten Supper
Pulled pork and potatoes
Paschkes and McClurgs
Lenten Worship
JoyFULL Asceticism
Philippians 3:1-21
Lent Home Groups

This year we are inviting all of our church family to participate in a home group. Can you imagine the impact that God can have on you, your family, our church, if throughout Lent we are studying God's word and lifting each other up in prayer, and growing our relationship with Jesus and each other. All the home groups will be studying the same topics over six weeks. We hope you will consider this for yourself. CLICK HERE to sign up to host a home group or participate in a small group.
Because of this I Rejoice
by Max O. Vincent
For too long Lent has been thought of as a season of self-sacrifice and discipline that sounds to many Christians like a list of spiritual chores. Lenten disciplines become the spiritual equivalent of New Year's resolutions to lose weight, be healthier, or practice better money management. These promises are easily made and often quickly broken, leaving us feeling like we do not measure up to what we should be.
In his letter to the Philippians, the apostle Paul joyfully turns to spiritual practices that draw him closer to God amid persecution and imprisonment. These practices keep Paul connected to a sense of God's power and presence. Joy flows from Paul and becomes a vital part of his relationship with the Philippians.
Because of This I Rejoice is a 6-week study of Philippians that explores what Paul teaches about joyfully practicing spiritual disciplines. The intent of these disciplines is to help us focus less on ourselves and more on God. This Lenten study invites us to engage in the same spiritual practices as a way to grow closer to God and allow joy to flow through our lives.